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Why enable growth ?

February 25, 2018

Successful strategic growth planning and execution require the involvement of multiple management layers in any organisation. The management population tasked with driving business growth is rarely trained to perform this element of their role in a consistent and effective way and will often struggle to get to grips with the key requirements.

Enable Growth has been created to offer organisations a solution to getting simplicity in strategy creation, business-wide consistency in management usage and strategy execution. A key element of the Enable Growth platform is the automation of capturing strategic insights which assists management in strategy development, analysis and selection.

In this article, we will be explaining how Enable Growth increases business’s probability of success of planning and delivering successful strategy.

What are we trying to accomplish?

The overall objective in Enable Growth is to plan a sequence of actions to satisfy a particular goal, thus providing strategic roadmaps.

Strategic frameworking

“Strategic frameworking enables the design and implementation of business strategies”

To plan strategy, Enable Growth uses strategic frameworking in order to set strategic planners based on a combination of business dimensions. (See our previous articles on Strategic frameworking)

While working on a strategic plan, Enable Growth will “travel” the relevant business dimensions’ hierarchy in order to identify and propose possible “solutions” and therefore actions, to complete strategic roadmaps.

Individuals and teams, working on a specific strategic segment will be provided (computer self generated) insights to be looking at adjacent sub-technology, End-Use markets and geography (+ any other dimensions set in the strategic framework) available to uncover market trend, identify new technology and research business gap.

In practice, a GM in Germany was struggling to design a strategy for growth beyond its traditional area of business operations ie the sale of food ingredients into the German meat industry. Enable Growth creates the relevant dimensions of the business, ie ingredient technologies, sub technologies, competitors, customers, sub-end use markets within the German meat industry, adjacent end use markets where the company’s technologies/product have application eg meat based ready meals, meat based soups/sauces and even non meat end-use markets. Replicate this for other geographies and the opportunities for business growth start to emerge.

One dimension at the time, Enable Growth “travels” across the framework architecture to provide these insights.


“The Goal: market share”

The objective of any strategic plan is to move from an ‘as is’ to a ‘to be’ market share position. Consequently, the market share growth rate constitutes the main indicator of the strategic plan objective.

Enable Growth focuses on analyzing the strategic planner data content for each dimension; it includes reviewing and interpreting quantitative data such as volume, price, cost, margin growth rate.

Put together, quantitative data provide the fact base business case to move forward into knowledge processing.


“Leverage your strength as a business in order to take out weakness and threat”

The key process of any successful strategy is to translate data into knowledge in order to make it actionable.

One of the tool used is the SWOT as it constitutes a bridge between data and knowledge.

Interpreting SWOTs using Natural Languages processing (NLP) allow to plan a possible sequence of actions and therefore enabling users to develop strategic roadmaps.

For example, users identifying strengths as "direct route to customer/market" or "proximity to customer supply capability/logistics" , system will propose possible actions such as gaining market share in the specific geography or channel by approaching customers/business partners with existing or new technology.

Interpreting SWOTs using Natural Languages processing (NLP) allow to plan a possible sequence of actions and therefore enabling users to develop strategic roadmaps.


Enable Growth empowers company to think and act strategically, enhancing knowledge and experience. It provides a solution to guide teams and individuals towards relevant strategic paths.